Birds, Grief, and Hope


Courtney Ellis’s newest book, Looking Up: A Birder’s Guide to Hope Through Grief is beautiful. Not only is it beautifully written, but it is also beautiful in how she handles all our hurting hearts. Courtney weaves together for us the story of her own personal pain, her insight into different birds, and her belief in how God shows us His presence through the things he has created in nature. In the twisted fibers of those things, we too find hope.

Waiting is a Part of Life


Just as true as it is to say, “waiting is a part of life”, sometimes you just have to be told by someone you admire that, “it’s not your turn”. Heather Thompson Day is that friend and her new book is called It’s Not Your Turn: What to do While Waiting for Your Breakthrough.



I found myself more overwhelmed than I have ever felt before. Not overwhelmed as I should be, “praise God” He has provided abundance. Overwhelmed more like this, “Where is everyone else? This is hard work and no one else cares. If I stopped working would anyone care? Will anyone care anyway?”